
Poppy :: 4 months


Sweet Poppy Emmaline is full of smiles.

She has stolen my heart forever.

She is rolling all the time, belly to back and back to belly.

She still working on neck strength and head control.

She is sleeping 11-12 hours at night.

She has stayed with a sitter for an entire day and took a bottle from sitter and from Ted.

She coos, laughs, and screeches when she cries.

She is a complete thumb sucker and self soother.

She has red hair and big blue eyes.

Her face is almost identical to her brother's.

She loves the ocean and dips in the pool.

She has had a belly button full of sand.

She loves to be worn in the ergo by her dad.

More often than not, she dislikes riding in her car seat.

For some reason, she never minds riding when we bring Wells to school.

She loves to have your full attention so she can give you the worlds best smiles.

She loves to be held by anyone or to lay on her back on the floor or bed.

She is learning how to play and reaching for things we give her.

She loves to look at the ceiling fan.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio