
Wells is golden.


28 months on November 28. In only 26 years, Wells will celebrate his real golden birthday. Today, I celebrate the last 28 months of the joy he brings to us.

It seems that anytime either me or Ted step foot into the kitchen, Wells is closely behind. He pulls a chair from the kitchen table over in order to help with whatever we are preparing. Or if the mood hits, he requests to make pancakes. I believe I was four years old and could cook pancakes solo as well. I remember climbing onto a kitchen chair just the same and frying pancakes. My grandpa, PawPaw, always called it frying because I was a little excessive in buttering the pan. Whether it be pancakes, cracking eggs for a scramble, cutting fruit, peeling boiled eggs, making bread, smashing cooked potatoes, we keep Wells occupied in the kitchen.

Wells loves to eat constantly. His food groups are fruit, sweets, sausage, cheese (but not kid cheese no he wants my cheese plate of $$ cheese), and some protein. All the in between, aka vegetables, we mix into his smoothies.

Wells is a chatter box. He definitely takes after his father. My mother in law recalls several years when Ted never stopped talking. That is Wells. His words are coming out clearer and his ideas so silly. He is learning so much in school and at home. He loves to color and draw circles. We draw letters as roads and he drives his cars on sounds "aaaaa" "bbbbb". I love the idea to learn sounds before letter recognition. He loves to trace his hands and my hands.

Trains, plains, boats, cars, and everything in between; we are obsessed. Wells also can correctly identify them now. (A few months ago, everything was a boat.) I believe, we may just find some of these under the Christmas tree this year. He is equally obsessed with dolls, strollers, and caring for all. He loves to dance, sing, and play his guitar. He even tries to play his guitar as a violin. He gets a little frustrated with putting it up to his chin, because it's to big.

He really loves his friends and thoroughly enjoys their company. He now asked to go play with them when we are at home. At church, he still won't go in the nursery which I am now okay with. He tells me it's scary. We have been keeping him in the service. He is slightly wiggly at times, but overall he does really well.

School has been so beneficial to him. He is so excited on mornings when we are getting ready to go. Schew-!!! Once at pick up, he wanted to give his teacher a kiss on the lips. She kissed his forehead a goodbye and he seemed pleased. We had our very first parent teacher conference this past month. His teacher said he is doing so well. She said he adjusted really fast to school without any hiccups. He enjoys doing his "work", being with other children, and spends lots of them in the reading corner with books. He doesn't like to get his hands messy which I already knew.

He still really loves Poppy and we've never had any problems with him accepting and loving her. He still wants to hold her, but only for like 30 seconds before he's on to the next activity. The "newness" is wearing off, I suppose.

He loves to do somersaults, hop, and go running.

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