
Poppy :: 6 months

Sitting perfectly on my hip, Poppy makes six months today. She's right in the best possible squishy baby stage that is one of my favorites.

Thighs, giggles, and sweet baby babble.

From across the room, she will mirror any smile she receives. She loves sitting up completely unassisted and playing with anything she can put in her mouth. I still am on standby as she is easily excitable and tips backwards with a laugh. She is scooting just a weee bit forward, backward, and in circles when she is looking for just the right toy to gum. She loves to push on her hands and rock to each side landing into a dramatic roll back onto her back. Wells thinks this is her way of playing peek a boo. He counts one... two... three... waiting for her to do it on cue. Sometimes it's like she is really listening. It's so fun to interact with Poppy.

She loves laughing at and with Wells.

Our rides in the car have become so much better(!!!!!). Now that she is amused my toys, she plays instead of crying. And, she is just happier to be in the car overall, thankfully.

I have not started her on any solid food yet. I'm still debating when I'm going to introduce the Baby Led Weaning method. She is definitely filling out with exclusively breastfeeding for now. She feels so much thicker and longer this month.

This past month she kept sleeping through the night until the last two nights. I'm hoping it's not a new normal, but that she falls back to her normal 12-13 hour a night routine. I was digging it.

Poppy and I went to Puerto Rico for the three day weekend this month. Her first flight, hotel, and mall. We had an excellent trip and she never slowed me down a bit. Overall, I would describe Poppy as even keeled. She is almost always just content to be around anyone taking in the world while flashing cheeks full of smiles. The only thing that slowed us down on our shopping trip was strangers stopping to get a personal smile from her and tell me how sweet she was. I would have to agree with them.

Poppy is spitting up so much less which is so exciting. I think spit up is the worst stage and I'm hoping we will be out of it soon. The drooling has started and I think I see two white spots on her bottom gums. She wasn't into a bottle when my mother was babysitting, but since has taken a few from Ted while I've been away. I'm hoping to keep her taking on so that I can be away every so often.

She loves to use her voice to babble. She has so much to say. It's fun to listen and respond to her. She laughs when you laugh.

Poppy loves being at the beach and kicking in the water. She is fitting just right into our float for her. We are looking forward to taking her on the kayak now that we can be in the sun for a little bit.

Happy six month, I am so happy I can finally use sunscreen when needed so I'm not so worried about burning her to a crisp (even in the shade).

Poppy, you make my heart pitter patter.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio