
Two and a half!


The other day, I was cuddling Wells at bedtime. He had his knees bent against my chest, chin tucked, and arms extending around me. And, I let life pause.

How did he ever fit inside of me. How has life flown so quickly. How can he seem so little to me yet so big.

There are many nights like these and I do not take any one of them for granted. One of us always cuddles him to sleep at night. I really think it is his love language. He can go to sleep on his own, but being in his words "warm with hugs" is ten million times better and easier and special. Okay, you get it!

When either of us walk into a room where he is, he exclaims "MY daddy" or "MY mommy".

The my is kind of a thing lately. My toy. My turn.

Mine, all mine. 

Poppy is starting to scoot her way to his world and he is having to learn some lessons on sharing.

Typically, Wells has been okay (not great) with sharing with his friends. He will not share with a stranger or a child he isn't friends with. This can be very embarrassing when your child is causing another child to have a break down, because he won't share. We are in full force devoting time to continue to teach and practice this at home hoping to avoid theses breakdowns when with others. I get down on the floor and we take turns between me and him or him and Poppy. Sometimes, I feel like it's just making me go a little more crazy throughout the day, but then I see it working and know that it is necessary.

Wells still loves to cook. If we are doing anything in the kitchen at all, he is pushing a chair closer and invading. With a great mise en place, Wells can put together homemade pancake batter like a champ. Even can crack an egg without getting shell in the batter, most of the time. (So eventually, I can sit and watch him cook right?) My grandpa used to always talk about the time I cooked him and my grandma pancakes all by myself at five years old. Wells is in line to do the same. I just hope he doesn't use as much butter.

My parents recently visited for one week and Wells has not stopped asking where they went. My mom has chosen her grandmother name as Nana and my father would like to be called Grandpa. Wells is currently calling my dad 'G-Pa'. Our new daily conversations include discussing how Nana and G-Pa went on an airplane back to their home. It seems to appease him briefly. I know, he really enjoyed their visit. He really remembered my mom and now knows my dad. I also think he loves to talk about airplanes. It's an ideal conversation for him.

Wells is obsessed with everything related to firefighters. It is quite adorable.

He requests to see certain friends and do certain activities more than before. I've been sick this past week and he has been begging that I take him to the doctor. He has come full circle into loving the doctor. (Just wait until he has another shot!) I can't wait to see how much he has grown at his well visit I scheduled.

He can sing his ABCs and identify shapes. He is working on colors. He speaks a little spanish that he has learned at school. He loves school and wishes he could go on the weekends too. He loves to sing and play his guitar or drum. He has a hard time pronouncing L's.

Most importantly, he has learned to use the toilet all by himself. That means, he can doesn't need assistance except for wiping. We never put out a step stool in our bathrooms. I suppose, it would have been helpful in getting us to this point sooner, but whatev's. Now he can pull his pants down and get on the toilet without my help. I'm still wiping his butt, but I call that winning at this stage in the game. "Mom, I'm going to poop. Don't come. Privacy. . . . . . MOM, ALL DONE. PAPER!"

He is sleeping better than ever!!!!! And. He is always hungry.

Wells is so brave in the water now. Recently, we have been having bigger currents. (Side note, most of our bays are extremely perfectly calm.) He loved riding them in. And, he is warming up to snorkeling.

I tend to bring him to get a hair cut every month. Last month, he did so great and this month I knew it was time for clippers. We had more of a big boy hair cut than ever. The hairdresser just was really bad at her job. Wells was a pro, sitting by himself and still. I'm so looking forward to pairing this new bravery and a new barber.

Wells is all about Poppy. He wants to know where she is, what she is doing, why she is doing it, and show her how to do everything. A week ago, Ted and Wells dropped me and Poppy off at the airport. We girls flew over to Puerto Rico for the long weekend. I was so excited about getting off island for a weekend (and shopping!!!) that I forgot I hadn't been away from Wells for this long ever! I was fine. He was fine. Ted said he wasn't concerned about my absence, but constantly was asking where Poppy was! While we were away, Ted planned to let Wells help him wash my car. And, Wells absolutely loved everything that it entailed. I equally loved it, because I returned to a sparkly car.

There is so much to say about life with Wells. He keeps us on our toes and constantly scratching our heads on what to feed him next.

We love everything about him. He is such a joy to parent.

Wells Emerson, Happy Half Birthday.

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