
A list of 100 things

Ted is my perfect soul-mate!

1. I love that I'm the highlight of your day.
2. I love the way you say my name.
3. I love the way you come home from work and wrap me in your arms.
4. I love the way you move your eyebrows while your talking.
5. I love that I know you'll always be honest with me.
6. I love that you encourage me to become a better person but you are happy with me the way I am.
7. I love that your ticklish.
8. I love that your ridiculously supportive in whatever I'm trying to do.
9. I love that your hardworking.
10. I love that you make my dreams come true.
11. I love the fact that you are as honest as a kid.
12. I love that you can' tell a story to save your life.
13. I love how you keep me laughing even in the middle of the night.
14. I love that your wild and obniously loud.
15. I love that you give me your full attention even when your in the middle of something.
16. I love that I always feel protected.
17. I love that you daydream with me about the kids we will one day have.
18. I love how you spoil me and only act like I'm spoiled one in awhile.
19. I love that your the only person that love's cake as you do.
20. I love the way you hold me.
21. I love that your geniune.
22. I love having our meaningful heart to heart talks about our dreams, disappointments, and goals.
23. I love your jokes.
24. I love how you warm my feet while we watch television.
25. I love how you kiss me before you leave for work.
26. I love the fact that you are not afraid of being less than perfect.
27. I love the fact that your always willing to let God work in you.
28. I love that you love me SO much.
29. I love hearing the secrets of your heart.
30. I love cooking for you and with you.
31. I love that you are always ready to serve me.
32. I love that your generous.
33. I love that we love better together.
34. I love the way you stand close and rub my back during church.
35. I love when you want to be serious and I'm being goofy.
36. I love that your impossibly hilarious.
37. I love that you always show me the bright side of things.
38. I love that you encourage me to spend money on myself.
39. I love how you always try to make my day better.
40. I love that you think that I'm beautiful and tell me every chance you get.
41. I love how you can never tell a lie.
42. I love that you rub my back even though I never return the favor.
43. I love that you blush just like I do when your embarrassed.
44. I love that you go shopping with me and try to help me make purchases.
45. I love that you always strive to be the best husband for me.
46. I love that from the first day I met you, I always felt I can be myself.
47. I love how I always beat you at card games.
48. I love holding your hand in public.
49. I love that your full of compassion.
50. I love that you bring me flowers.
51. I love that you enjoy the flowers just as much as me.
52. I love how we watch tv together snuggled on the couch and talk during commercials.
53. I love how you always try to scare me by knocking on the side window.
54. I love that you rub my dirt feet or clean feet just the same.
55. I love that your always interested in my interests.
56. I love how you never give up on me even when I'm in a crazy mood.
57. I love how you embarrass me in public.
58. I love when you pray before we go to sleep.
59. I love that you like sushi just as much as I know, now.
60. I love how you have supprisingly good taste.
61. I love your booty dancing skillz.
62. I love how you never hold anything against me.
63. I love that you give people the benefit of the doubt.
64. I love that your just as much of a potatoe lover as me.
65. I love that I can trust you.
66. I love that your spontateous.
67. I love that you love me without even thinking about it.
68. I love that you are my very best friend.
69. I love that you are so affectionate.
70. I love how your always grateful when I cook a meal.
71. I love that you always encourage me to rest when I need it even though you probably need to rest more that I do.
72. I love that your idea of a great evening is sipping coffee and talking to me.
73. I love when you talk to me while I'm putting on my makeup and fixing my hair.
74. I love when we have days off together.
75. I love looking into your eyes when you say you love me.
76. I love how you gladly and openly admitt when your wrong.
77. I love that you carry my shopping bags, sweater, and occasionally purse.
78. I love how you care for me when I'm sick.
79. I love that you don't complain about having to hang out with all my girl friends.
80. I love going to mavericks games with you.
81. I love that we both wore hates on our first date.
82. I love that you demand respect but aren't controlling.
83. I love that you like to play soccer and tennis.
84. I love that I'm better than you at both.
85. I love the way you kept looking at me the first night we met.
86. I love that I get to sleep next to you every night.
87. I love that I always catch you reading the Bible.
88. I love that you never leave without kissing me and return by kissing me.
89. I love tht God created you for me.
90. I love that you love to cook with me.
91. I love how you always make me feel like the best is yet to come.
92. I love that you always want to make up after a fight.
93. I love that you enjoy a good adventure.
94. I love that you love my friends and sacrifice week nights and weekends with me so I can hang with them.
95. I love that your understanding even when it hurts
96. I love that you always give me the better parking spot
97. I love how you sleep on the couch with me if I can't sleep in our bed.
98. I love that your self sacrificing.
99. I love that for your birthday your happy if I'm happy.
100. I love the way you love me.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio