
Inch by Inch


Have you entered Oh Happy Day's Paris trip giveaway???

The clock is ticking away and time is moving us inch by inch closer to Paris. We should be getting our freshly printed passport books any day now. Ted's first and my renewed. I've been thinking up some lovely ideas of what we can do on our trip. What would you do if you were in Paris?? 


paislea said...

yay! i'm jealous. i would love to go to paris!!! one day... *sigh*

allister bee blog

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

yes I have! what an amazing giveaway right?! haha

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Oh boy, you must be so excited! I get excited at the thought of a new passport, let alone actually travelling! Eek! Be sure to enter my £100 ASOS giveaway!


Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio