
Back & forth


Early this morning I dropped my mom off at the airport which was a concluded this crazed week and a half. I never would have imagined to have two abdominal surgeries within six weeks of each other. We survived. We - because it was joint effort on all our parts.

Happy to be sitting here on Saturday morning in the living room (because for days I didn't even leave the second floor) watching Wells sleep and letting Ted blissfully sleep in. I'm at peace. A major turnaround from waking up in the hospital last Saturday. My hospital stay was four dreadful days long.  I had a few hiccups with my meds after surgery which landed me an extra night. The worst part of the whole situation was being away from little bean at night. Thank God for facetime, my baby monitor (that I can view from anywhere), and for Wells being in good hands (Ted &  my mom). It also helped that my nurses let Ted stay my last night in the hospital. Divine.

The first four days at home were long and way worse than recovering from my c-section. Each day had a few hurdles we had to jump through. BUT we jumped. Wednesday I finally took on the staircase and even took a walk with my mom and Wells. We walked to our neighborhood nursery/city farm and then on to lunch. The fresh air was soooo good.

I'm back & looking forward to Wells hitting eight weeks tomorrow. Off to kick back in.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio