
It is time.


Breastfeeding has been such a great experience for me and Wells. In the fall, I started thinking about the idea of weaning. I wasn't sure we would be able to get pregnant if I was still fully breastfeeding. Ted and I talked about continuing until spring (at least) and then if we still weren't pregnant then we would reevaluate. My goal from the beginning was to breastfeed for the first two years and I'd love to do that still.

After the first six weeks of breastfeeding, I've never had any issues. It has been a joyful experience, bonding, and easy. Breastfeeding a toddler has been easier than when he was a babe. I know what your thinking, but what about teeth! Really, I can't recall a time he used them while breastfeeding. About one month ago, I was extremely sore and too the point where I was pulling him off and telling him to go away. I thought maybe he was using his teeth or not latching good. At the end of that week, I found out I was pregnant and realized.. I was just extremely sore and no fault to Wells.

This month, I knew I was ready to start weaning. I want a break before baby #2! I also wouldn't ask myself to breastfeed a toddler and baby at the same time. Tandem nursing can be great for some.. ..I am just not there.

The thought of weaning scared me a bit (and still does), because I had no idea where to start. Wells loves it and I love it too which make its tough. I just know, it is time. I called friends, read blogs, planing to listen to a great podcast suggested by a friend (soon!), and now am at work.

Wells will be 18 months in three days and we started the weaning process by eliminating one feeding a day/per week. Week one has been a success so far. He has been sad (cried and cried) and mad (thrown horrible tantrums), but can be distracted with another bonding activity. 'Wells lets go do art' or 'build a tower together'.

I've been giving him more water and his stomach is a bottomless pit when it comes to real food.

1 week down and I'm not really sure how many more to go. Wish me luck!

Any and all advice is much appreciated. Muah. 

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio