
18 months

Eigggghhhttteen months old!

His baby features are fading fast. Taller and slimmer.

Curious and Independent. Mr. Wells Independent Ohman can make himself a snack, take off his pants, drink from a glass, eat without making a complete mess (most of the time), pee on the potty, say lots of different words, turn on music for a dance party, pick up his toys, destroy a room in less than 2 minutes, jump into the pool (for me to catch him), eat with a fork and spoon, do a somersault, attempt to sort colors (we are getting there), mount the kitchen barstools, identify face/body parts, and make us laugh until no end.

Energetic and Co-dependent. On the flip side, Wells is very clingy like almost worse than ever. It's hard to leave him with just anyone and especially the church nursery. Church nursery in his world is modern day child torture. I am happy to say that at our current Bible study, he has adapted well to the babysitter and absolutely loves being around the older children. *glimmer of hope* Wells drives me a little insane with his unending energy and never quite getting a full break from him. I will say, if I am around, he is fine. He could be a mile away as long as I am around. I believe that some kids deal with this harder than others. I do believe it's easier now that he communicates better. I tell him he can sit in church with me if he quiet the whole time. One Sunday, he made it through without much of a peep. I believe we could be on the up swing, maybe. Thankful for friends that make me feel normal and keep encouraging me when it seems to be so tough.

I am his mom and I still gush as his entire existence. He is the apple of my eye, but also can make me want to stab myself in the eye with a spork. His energy has no end and I curb it the best I can. Some days are definitely better than others. My life motto right now - When all else fails dance! We entertain ourselves with dance parties very often. Most consist of all three of us acting a fool. He would eat food all day if I let him. And sometimes, we do just that... because it's an event. Food, food, cuddle, food. He is more picky than he was two months ago, but eats what he loves and loves what he eats. We keep beans of all kinds in stock and cooked in various different ways. Black bean burgers, lentil soup, hummus, roasted chickpeas, red beans and rice. Beans of all sorts are probably he's favorite food to eat. He also likes cereal (bran cereal that looks like dog food and mini wheats). He eats eggs, roasted vege / cauliflower is his fav, all the fruit we offer him, and various other things. Beans, cereal, and eggs. His favorite food groups. I have hid the cereal and limit his intake, don't worry.

I see Wells in a whole new light now that I am pregnant with baby #2. He immediately looked older and more mature. He will turn two one month before baby #2 arrives and his entire world will be rocked. I can't wait to see and experience it. Wells is a lover. He keeps kisses, hugs, and all his affection flowing constantly. I can't wait to see him smother his little baby sib in his love.

< break >

Above is what I jabbed down on the day he turned 18 months. Somehow it sat for the last few weeks as a draft as several other monthly updates have been sitting for several months now. Well this month I am posting... finished or not.

Wells is getting ready to start school. We are currently wait listed, but hopeful for a March start date for a local half day program. I really think he will benefit from going and I will completely soak up a few hours a day by myself. Win/win.

My phone recently broke and I wasn't able to recover my photos that weren't backed up. *tears* Will add current pictures soon to this post... hopefully.

Until the next time I finish a draft, Ciao!

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