


Okay, I don't have much to show yet. 14 weeks, left. 15 weeks, right.  A little start to what will turn in a extra large watermelon under my shirt. Eventually, I will be asked if I'm having multiples. It is my fate. I gained 28 pounds with Wells and he came out 9 pounds 10 ounces. My bump was gigantic and my stomach never the same. We make big babies. My biggest fear this time is having an even bigger baby.

Wells's position made it impossible to deliver vaginally so I'm thinking position, position, position for my baby #2 to have a safe and hopefully natural way out. Wells was direct occiput anterior (sunny side up) with asynclitism (chin turned over his shoulder) not to mention 9lb 10oz and 22 inches long. I am on spinning babies and will be working all the exercises to help put baby in correct position. I have hopes for a vbac, but understand the elephant in the room - the big C.

I hear second babies typically come faster. Well, I could only hope. I can do natural labor, but thinking about a 68 hours labor, 3 hours of pushing, and 2 hours of dreadful c-section, no bueno. Not that any doctor (especially in St. Thomas) will ever let me be in labor for that long again. Anything under 36 hours of natural labors doesn't seem to scare me and seems manageable at this point.

We are weighing all options on how and where we will give birth: St. Thomas hospital birth, stateside birth, or home birth. We still are undecided, but leaning towards staying on island for now. We have been flip flopping a lot. My dream would be to have a home birth, but we still don't have a peace about it. Mainly, because I'm cheap and we'd have to pay out of pocket whereas a hospital birth is completely covered by our insurance. Seeing a new doctor here next week and hoping to mesh well and feel a nudge to which direction we will continue.

After the roller coaster of finding that we were in fact pregnant, it seems as if this pregnancy is flying. My pregnancy with Wells creeped by very, very slowly. Painfully slow, especially 3-20 weeks. I had major nausea and could barely eat anything nor stay awake after work. This pregnancy has been a whole lot easier thankfully. A little bit of nausea, but not bad. I started having more energy a few weeks ago and overall really feeling great.

During my last pregnancy, I discovered desserts! I had never really liked cookies or preferred something sweet over salty. I changed during pregnancy #1 and wanted sweets and all things sugar. This time around I'm craving better things like apples, kale pesto, spicy food, and all things pickled. Well, and pasta! 

Less than 2-4 weeks until we can find out boy or girl. Ek, can't wait.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio