
Major Mom Fail


The most important question I asked other island moms (and nannies) while I was pregnant was how do you manage your baby outside before they can have sunscreen. Everyone told me the same thing - shade, shade, shade.

Since I've been feeling better, we've gone out and lounged several different places. It's been so relaxing and enjoyable to get out as a family of four and with my mom. My mom left Sunday and we wanted to savor a few more days just us before Ted heads back to work.

Yesterday morning, we took the kids out for breakfast and then off to the beach. I sat on the beach in the shade with Poppy while Ted was playing with Wells in the sun.

I don't really know how to relax anymore at the beach. Even when Ted and I went to the beach by ourselves over the weekend, it was really hard for me to lay back or sit still. Yesterday was no exception. I didn't lean back in my beach chair and rest my eyes while Poppy closed hers. Nope, I sat there and stared Poppy down holding her close or laying next to her on our blanket. It was peaceful, but I was constantly watching for bugs that may crawl on her or a speck of sand getting near her.

About two hours in, we packed up and headed home to put Wells down for a nap. When we got home, I realized Poppy looked warm. Her face was flushed. After awhile, I realized it wasn't going away and that is when it hit me - my three week old got too much sun.
I cried.

And continued to cry for the next 48 hours.

I felt absolutely awful. How could I stare at my baby and just watch her crisp without even knowing it. I seriously moved like five times because I thought I was protecting her with shade and perfect positions. But I failed her and now her face is pink.

We called the doctor and felt better knowing to put a cool clothe on her and not let her lay on the worse side. Thankfully, she has not been affected by it. She hasn't cried or seemed bothered at all. She has nursed like a champ and having plenty of nappies. I can only imagine how much more I would have crumbled if I knew she was in pain because I baked her.

Thankfully, she is doing so much better today. It is always cleared up. She never had blisters or anything, but I do pray she doesn't peel. I don't think it's that bad, but still.

My mom fail has topped the charts especially being that she was only 3 1/2 weeks old.


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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio