
Poppy / Two Weeks

Poppy is two weeks old.

At her two week check up yesterday, she had gained almost an entire pound. Can I get an amen! I can't believe how in sync we are in terms of breastfeeding. I met with the lactation consultant a few days after returning home. We weren't having problems, but I wanted her to watch our latch and show me anything I didn't see myself. She showed me the best tip I've seen yet for latching. This technique has the baby latch instinctively instead of mommy lead. The hardest thing about feeding early on was waking her up to eat during the night and a few times during the day. Now that I know she is rightly gaining weight and my milk supply is there, I've been on demand feeding more and letting her sleep instead of trying to wake her for feeds. If it's been over three hours I do try to get her on still. I think this girl wants to be doing her nights soon though and I'm okay with that.

She loves putting her hands in her face, folding them below her chin, and uses them to cover her ears. She kicks her feet and enjoys moving her little body. I love watching her squirm and then go limp falling into slumber.

She seems to be okay with bath time except seems a little concerned about getting her face wet.

Poppy has sat in our baby whisperer - the baby bjorn babysitter bouncer. It's a hit round two. Although, she doesn't need much whispering like Wells did. (Funny, I thought Wells was such an easy baby until I met Poppy. Poppy is filing off the charts so far. Let's keep it up little P.)

I have been very unprepared for such a small baby. Poppy barely fits into anything we own. I've had good reason to do some online shopping this past week. We can't wait to get our items in the mail. Wells jumped right into 3 month fits at 2 weeks. Sweet P is a proportionate 7+ pounds and fitting well in our few newborn items. By few, I mean I have two pieces of newborn clothes and the rest of the time she is loosely fitted in 0-3 months. We have a stocked supply of Honest diapers that we brought back from our Philadelphia trip, but they are all too big. I think once we do fit we will be good until our next move in summer 2016.

Can I just mention how well I am sleeping. I wake about twice a night to feed her, but I feel so refreshed! I knew I would after so many sleepless nights before pregnant. I am so glad she is on the same sleep loving wave as me.

Happy two weeks Poppy, we love you.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio