



Let's talk recovery and how how family is managing.

At my one week postpartum visit, my Dr. thought my incision was infected and cultured it. A week later, she called and said it was an infection. I went into the office the next morning for her to check on it. I was hoping and praying it was resolving itself. The medicine I would need to use is not compatible with breastfeeding. I don't pump nor do I own a pump therefore I have no supply stocked to carry my babe throw three days of this medicine. Thankfully, I breathed easier knowing that my Dr. was pleased with the incision resolving itself. I am still praying it keeps getting better and not worse. I can't imagine not being able to breastfeed for three whole days.

A few days after we returned from the hospital, it became apparent that Wells was suffering from some kind of penis pain. I thought maybe he had a UTI. We had originally thought he was looking for attention with all the new in the house. People constantly told me he would regress in potty training when we had the baby so I was mentally prepared. But, he wasn't having accidents but screaming about his 'owie' aka penis. I made an appointment with our pediatrician and she took a urine sample. A week later (man, getting results take forever here on the island), we confirmed he did have an infection and started him on medicine. He isn't in as much discomfort, but isn't fully himself yet either. I don't know whether it's due to the infection or all the new in his life, but he has had a few pee-pee accidents lately. He still is waking up to pee and poop at night though on the potty.

This weekend, it seems like I'm very weak and dizzy. I believe my iron is low. I've been resting a lot while eating lots of greens and red meat. A few weeks ago, I woke up craving steak tartar and now I know why... my body was trying to tell me something. I don't know when my hemoglobin is suppose to be checked again or how long recovery will take, but I'm hoping soon. When Ted goes back to work, I hope to be over the hump and less light headed.

As we recover, we nap together. Lounge together. Laugh together. 

And, be together. 

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio