
Wells meets Poppy


For weeks now, we've been telling Wells about his sister Poppy. He would wake up in the morning wanting to kiss Poppy aka my belly. I was starting to think he may think belly buttons were called Poppy. Or I worried that he would be very disappointed when we brought home a baby instead of a puppy.

In baby preparation, we bought a doll for Wells from Pottery Barn. He played with the doll all the time. We would put the baby to sleep. I would nurse the baby and Wells would make sure she was always getting her diaper changed by me.

Arriving at the hospital, Wells immediately noticed this new little human in my arms.


I neeed to kiss the baby!!! 

With a kiss on the top of her head, he was satisfied with their first meeting. He hopped off the hospital bed and began to explore the hospital room.

I passed Poppy off to my mom later and Wells snuggled with me in the hospital bed. He was extremely happy to be with us and kept talking about Poppy with a beaming grin. The next day, mom brought him back to see us at the hospital and he was equally accepting and gushed his love on Poppy before running some errands with Ted while my mom stayed with me.

Ted and I returned home with our newest addition on Sunday afternoon. When Wells woke up from his nap, he was so excited to see all of us. He was waiting for us to let him hold Poppy and lay beside her. He was extremely gentle with her and kept smiling his biggest grin. He stayed cuddling and in awe of her for a solid hour. He was calm and extremely gentle.

Wells loves to kiss her feet, stroke her hair, talk about her features (Poppy's eyes mama, Poppy's ears mama, etc.), attempt high fives and fist bumps.

Wells is completely fine with me caring, nursing, holding, and smothering Poppy with all my affection and time. He is less into Ted holding or showing too much attention to the new baby. I think he is really enjoying Ted's month a home and doesn't want to share him with anyone.

It has been great having my mom here to help with everything. She has been going on play dates with Wells and taking him to the beach, library, park, and pool. Other times mom watches Poppy so we can be with Wells. He has also loved his one on one time with Ted.

Wells has welcomed Poppy with so much love.


My heart is full.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio